
Georgian Emigration Museum at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Emigration Museum

The Georgian Emigration Museum was founded on October 10, 1994. It was established based on the personal collection of Guram Sharadze (1940–2007), a Georgian philologist and corresponding member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. The collection was formly based at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and is currently housed at the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia at 5 Lado Gudiashvili St in Tbilisi.

Sharadze’s collection, compiled since 1981, includes thousands of materials on Georgian immigration worldwide—letters, personal archives, photographs, videos, audio recordings, Radio Free Liberty broadcasts, and Georgian newspapers published abroad.

The museum’s greatest treasure is its over 80 personal archives of prominent Georgian émigrés, including Noe Jordania, Noe Ramishvili, Akaki Tchkhenkeli, Konstantine Kandelaki, Evgeni Gegetchkori, Viktor Nozadze, Grigol Robakidze, Mikhako Tsereteli, Ekvtime Takaishvili, Giorgi Matchabelli, Zurab Avalishvili, Rafiel Ingilo, Kalistrate Salia, and others.

The majority of documents are handwritten, complemented by personal photographs, as well as decades of Radio Liberty broadcasts, covering more than 40 years of Georgian immigrant history.

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Archival Materials

Shalikashvili (Dimitri) writings (1920-1961)


Repository: Hoover Institution Library & Archives

Diary and memoirs, relating to Georgian relations with Turkey, 1920- 1921; Georgian refugee life in Turkey and Poland; the Polish Army in the interwar period, and its defeat in 1939; the Georgian Legion in the German Army during World War II; and Georgian prisoners in British prison camps at the end of the war. Includes translations.

Dimitri Shalikashvili manuscripts, undated


Repository: Houghton Library, Harvard University

Volume 1: Constantinople: typescript; no place, undated. 43s.(43p.). Concerns the Georgian emigrants in Constantinople. Volume 2: Poland; Part I: typescript photocopy; no place, undated. 23s.(23p.) Concerns the Georgian emigrants in Poland.

George Balanchine archive, 1924-1989. (bulk) 1961-1983

Repository: Houghton Library, Harvard University


Includes business and personal papers of George Balanchine: correspondence conducted primarily by his personal assistant Barbara Horgan; Labanotations and Benesh notations of his ballets created by the Dance Notation Bureau (New York, N.Y.) and Benesh Institute of Choreology Ltd.; ballet scenarios; music scores; contracts; programs; photographs; clippings; his financial and medical records; audiotapes and videotapes; awards, fan mail, and memorabilia from his arrival in the United States to his death. Also includes records of the New York City Ballet, the George Balanchine Foundation and the George Balanchine Trust, and programs and photographs of various other ballet companies all over the world.

Georgia (Republic) records. 1914-1958 (inclusive), 1917-1940 (bulk)

Repository: Houghton Library, Harvard University

Archives created by the Georgian government in exile in Paris contain correspondence, official declarations, financial records, memoranda, minutes of meetings, reports, speeches, and articles. These materials document the government's relations with the League of Nations, the U.S., European political parties, and underground groups in occupied Georgia. Records of the government in exile include account books from 1920 to 1938; and correspondence and manuscripts of speeches and articles of Noe Jordania, Georgian president in exile, Nicholas Tcheidze, and other government figures. Also booklets and miscellaneous printed material, 1918-1957; about the Georgian Republic.

George Papashvily: artist file

Repository: John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art

Assembled file includes clippings, photographs, reproductions from books and auction catalogs, postcards, press releases, slides, resumes, reviews, exhibition ephemera.

George and Helen Papashvily Archives

Repository: Linderman Library, Lehigh University

George and Helen Papashvily Archives consists of twenty four manuscript boxes and 6 cartons of manuscripts, correspondence with publishers and agents, and clippings of articles by Helen Papashvily. (Section 1) Also included are photographs of George's sculptures, exhibition catalogs and programs, and correspondence concerning his ventures.(Section 2) The third section of the material includes cartons of fan letters, extensive correspondence to the couple from friends, a box of slides and other ephemera, including the two hoods from her honorary degrees.

Tarsaidze (Alexandre Georgievich) papers

Repository: Hoover Institution Library & Archives

Correspondence, speeches and writings, research notes, printed matter, photographs, engravings, lithographs, maps, and sound and video recordings relating to the history of Georgia (Transcaucasia), the Romanov family, Russian-American relations, and the Association of Russian Imperial Naval Officers in America. Includes photocopies of Romanov family letters, photographs of Russia during World War I by Donald C. Thompson, and a documentary film of Tsar Nicholas II.

Reminiscences of Alexander Kartveli: oral history, 1960

Repository: Multiple

New York Times Oral History Program. Includes index. Transcript of interview conducted on May 10, 1960 by K. Leish.

Major Shalikashvili and the KGB

Repository: Hoover Institution Library and Archives

Digitized images of documents from the former Georgian SSR KGB Archives in Tbilisi.

Georgian Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries

Repository:  Bodleian Libraries

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Diaspora Publishing

The Voice of Free Georgia. New York, 1953-1957.

English-language journal introducing Georgian history and culture, as well as "the present struggles of the Georgian people."

ქართველი ერი (Georgian Nation). New York, 1955-1956.

Literary historical public and political newspaper.

ქართული აზრი (Georgian Opinion). New York, 1955-1974.

Literary historical public and political newspaper.

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ჩვენი გზა (Our Path). New York, 1953-1959.

"Organ of political and public opinion in the Georgian and English languages."

სან ფრანცისკოს ქართველთა კერა (The Georgian Fire-Place of San Francisco). San Francisco, 1969-1971.

სამშობლოში დაბრუნებისათვის To Return to the Motherland. Berlin, 1957-1960

სამშობლოს ხმა (The Voice of the Motherland). Tbilisi, 1964-1969.

Official newspaper of the Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Compatriots Abroad, replaced by "სამშობლო (Motherland)" in 1969.

სამშობლო (Motherland). Tbilisi, 1969-2001.

Official newspaper of the Georgian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Compatriots Abroad, replacing "სამშობლოს ხმა (The Voice of the Motherland)" in 1969.

ივერია (Iveria). New Jersey, 2003-.

Weekly newspaper. New Jersey, 2003. Founder and President Ilia Baramidze. Commercial director: Davit Baramidze. The newspaper describes interesting materials from Georgia and the United States of America on any popular and current topic.

მამული (Mamuli). Jersey City, 2003-.

Mamuli newspaper is a public magazine that has been published in Jersey City, USA, since 2003. It is published by Georgian immigrants under the editorship of Manuchar Katchakhidze. The newspaper includes literary letters, essays, news and analytical articles about Georgian history, culture, arts and politics. The magazine is printed once a month, with a circulation of several thousand.

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Biographies & Monographs


The Debt/ვალი (Levan Koguashvili, 2004)

Two illegal Georgian immigrants struggle to get their lives together in Brooklyn, New York.

America In One Room / ამერიკა ერთ ოთახში (Davit Gegechkori, 2007)

Film about Georgian architect Koka (Nikoloz) Gegechkori, who has been in New York 's prison Sing Sing since 1994 under a life sentence.


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Georgians in the USA (Makharadze)


Selected Bibliography on the Georgian Diaspora in the US (in Georgian) 

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