Contact & Contribute
Donation of Materials
We are seeking Georgian family histories in the USA. We collect biographies, photographs, family trees and stories. All such documents will be digitized and archived. We continue to accumulate Georgian and English language newspapers and journals published in the US. We are interested in archiving letters of relatives and friends who corresponded with family back home in Georgia. We seek information about community organizations – churches, schools, dance ensembles, local Georgian businesses – which existed in the past or continue to function today. This will help us build a history of the Georgian Diaspora in the USA. All materials will be archived at Harvard for future generations. All materials will be open and available to the Georgian and American scholarly communities. If you believe that you have materials that fit this description, please fill out this form here.
Recommendation of Web Resources
We are still in the process of collecting online resources for studying the Georgian Diaspora in the United States. We welcome any recommendations of new resources, as well as questions, comments, and other feedback on exsiting content of our website.
If you would love to contribute to our project, please contact us at We appreciate your support for the Program on Georgian Studies!