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Databases include the online catalog of the fonds of the archive, databases of individuals evacuated from other regions of the USSR to Komi-Permyak Okrug during the WWⅡ, and databases on monuments, historical buildings and places of the region.
Online downloadable document collection dedicated to the major wars Russia/the USSR took part in in the 20th century.
A digital project on the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, containing photographs and audio and video recordings.
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Digital library created by the Central Scientific Library of V. Karazin Kharkiv National University. It contains digital copies of rare books, manuscripts, and periodicals related to science and education. In particular, it has a big collection of Kharkiv publications.
Digital archive of the State Archive of Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine that provides access to the full-text reference apparatus of the archive and its digitized fonds. Digitized materials are available for viewing online, and non-digitized cases can be ordered to the…
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