Browse Items (7 total)
The collection of cartographic materials consists of 11,868 items, including 9,039 maps, and 2,829 atlases.
Online database that presents periodical materials on the Karabakh conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijan from 1988 till 2016.
Online database dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia. It has collected Soviet and contemporary press coverage on the Academy and prominent Armenian academics.
Online database of Armenian periodicals and serial publications from the pre-revolution period through the contemporary times. It includes many Soviet-era journal issues and book series.
Online database on the Armenian participation in the Great Patriotic War. It has collected Soviet and contemporary books and media content on the subject, as well as the biographic data of Armenian war participants.
A database of digital copies of Armenian books printed between 1901-1920.
A huge online database dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Armenian book printing. It provides public online access to digital copies of Armenian publications. The database is in Armenian and most of the items in the database are books in Armenian. Armenian speakers would find this database…
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