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Digital collections of Hoover Institution Library and Archives, containing many Soviet posters, paintings, and English-language audio recordings related to Soviet topics from the 20th century.
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Digital archive of the National Archives Administration of Taiwan, where you can find tons of documents from various state organs of the Republic of China throughout the 20th century. Currently, hundreds of documents related to the Soviet Union and Russia have been digitized and are available on the…
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Digital archival information system that provides open access to numerous digitized archival documents from major archival institutions of Taiwan. Here you can find thousands of Soviet-related documents and access many of them directly from the website.
Declassified National Security Agency (U.S.A.) documents of the Venona program.
Digital archive of more than 6700 digital copies of FBI documents. One can find records of the Operation SOLO and investigations of Soviet spies in this archive.
Open-access archive of the CIA, containing a large number of declassified CIA reports, leaked Soviet documents, oral history, etc.
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