The UN Archives Geneva platform gives access to the fonds and collections managed by the United Nations Library and Archives in Geneva, including the archives of the United Nations in Geneva, the League of Nations (1919-1946), international peace movements (from 1870), and private papers. The…
The entirely digitize League of Nations Archives, estimated to contain some 15 million pages of content. The archives include tons of Soviet-related documents on a variety of topics.
A digital exhibit of archival documents related to Russian and Soviet diplomacy during the events of 1917. It includes diplomatic correspondence, photographs, and other types of documents.
This is a site linking to multiple digitized collections of resources that include Eastern European/Russian materials. Most of these collections are pan-European, and some of them are cited elsewhere in this guide.
An exhibit about the events leading up to the Great Patriotic War, and specifically about the Munich Agreement that played a large role in the politics of appeasement.
Site about the local history of St. Petersburg and surrounding areas. It provides access to numerous primary source materials (orders, memoir collections, etc.) about important events in the region as well as about the history of Soviet-Finnish relations.
A multi-media archive of primary source materials designed to introduce students and the general public to the richness and contradictions of Soviet history. It provides a cross-section of Soviet life in seventeen different years, following the title of a beloved television spy serial from the…