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Archival information portal for archives in Leningrad Oblast. You can find useful sources under "Projects" (on homepage), "Thematic Databases" (under the "LOGAV" tab), and "Electronic Exhibitions" sections.
Numerous well-organized online exhibits of archival documents from Leningrad oblast, covering various topics in the region's history.
Digital archive of Foreign Affairs editions from 1922 till today, including many articles related to the Soviet Union.
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Online exhibitions, downloadable PDF document collections, and digital projects of the State Archive of Murmansk Oblast. There are many interesting materials under the "Выставки" and "Сборники архивных документов, справочники" sections. Notebly, "МУРМАНСКИЙ НЭП" is a digital project dedicated to the…
Plentiful interesting digital exhibitions and projects based on archival documents from the State Archive of Contemporary History of Novgorod Oblast covering extensive topics.
Collection of English translations of Soviet documents and leaders' speeches on the Russian Revolution, the establishment of the Bolshevik power, and Stalinism.
This is a site linking to multiple digitized collections of resources that include Eastern European/Russian materials. Most of these collections are pan-European, and some of them are cited elsewhere in this guide.
A German-Russian joint project for the classification and digitization of Soviet posters.
Digital archive of the editions of The New York Times from 1851 till today, containing many Soviet-related reports.
A VK page devoted to various historical sources. It contains a motley group of sources on various topics in Russian history (each post is on a separate theme) and is mostly made up of the posts of "student-istorik," an account for humor and educational resources created by students of the Moscow…
Electronic archive of Novosibirsk Oblast archive. It contains photographs of aspects of economic and social life in Novosibirsk and a number of maps of the region, as well as a few other documents on the Soviet period.
Collection of archival documents on various topics in Soviet history.
Digital archive of the State Archive of Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine that provides access to the full-text reference apparatus of the archive and its digitized fonds. Digitized materials are available for viewing online, and non-digitized cases can be ordered to the…
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Digital exhibits of the Museum of the Political History of Russia.
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The link takes one to the page of the Library of Congress collections for the keyword "Soviet Union" filtered by those materials available online. One can also search this library for other keywords using various filters (on the left) in order to narrow the search.
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Digital collection of periodicals of the Irkutsk region.
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Digital library of Irkutsk Oblast State Universal Scientific Molchanov-Sibirskii Library, containing a huge number of digital copies of Soviet books, periodicals, and photographs about the Irkutsk region.
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Collection of digitized books, brochures, and periodicals on Russian and Soviet history from the Karelian Republic.
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An electronic library of books, brochures, and periodicals from the Tambov oblast on local history and social, economic, and political life.
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A digital library containing publications on and from the Don region, including books and periodicals.
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Digital repository of four state libraries in Siberia and the Altai region, which provides free access to abundant digitized regional publications.
A private digital collection of extensive imperial Russian and Soviet documents on various topics.
A private digital collection of extensive imperial Russian and Soviet documents on various topics.
Digitized documents from the archive of Yegor Gaidar, including plentiful interesting documents on the Soviet economy, foreign relations, and other questions, especially on the late Soviet period.
Digital library with digitized materials from libraries in the Ural region.
Online newspaper collections published by the State Archival Service of Novosibirsk Oblast.
Collection of digital open-access published materials from between 1917 and 1991 in the Russian State Library. In the link, the filter "otkrytii dostup" is already selected; if it is not, one should select it in order to view publicly available books.
Digital library of various historical documents developed by the Russian Historical Society.
Images, photographs, and video material on Russia, East and Southeast Europe.
Digital exhibits of the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia.
A website dedicated to Lenin and Leninism, where you can find digitized books and articles, memoirs, and studies on Lenin, many of which were published during the Soviet times. You can also download the digitized full collection of Lenin's works on this website.
A page with primary documents on 20th century Russia on the site of the History Faculty of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, including numerous major official documents.
A site with a variety of documents and objects relating to Europe and its history and culture. The Russian collections contain a sporadic group of materials on Soviet daily life and culture.
A digital project with 1000 key documents in Russian and Soviet history.
Webpage with resources for the study of Soviet history on the site of the Brigham University Harold B. Lee Library. It contains a list of links to various open access resources with documents, photographs, and audio recordings in both Russian and English.
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