A digital collection consisting of early Soviet periodicals in Tyumen and a book on the history of administrative-territorial delimitation in Tyumen oblast.
Digital archival information system for the State Archive of Novgorod Oblast and State Archive of Contemporary History of Novgorod Oblast, where users can search for documents and fonds information, and view digital copies of original documents without registration.
Archival information portal for archives in Leningrad Oblast. You can find useful sources under "Projects" (on homepage), "Thematic Databases" (under the "LOGAV" tab), and "Electronic Exhibitions" sections.
Online listing of unique archival documents from federal and regional archives of Russia. Each item on the list is a small collection of documents on a certain topic. Currently, the website contains more than 300 items consisting of thousands of pages of digitized archival documents.
A website dedicated to the history of propaganda around the world in all historical periods. The website contains a section on Soviet propaganda, where many primary source materials are presented.
The VK page of a digital scholarly-educational project of the same name, dedicated to Russian and Soviet history, as well as world history. On the VK wall the project team shares various kinds of primary source materials on Soviet history.
A VK (V Kontakte) group that shares both secondary literature and primary source materials on a variety of historical questions. You can find thousands of digitized Soviet books and document collections in this group.
Online audio archive of Soviet and Russian history, consisting of audio recordings of Soviet and world leaders' speeches, radio broadcasts, and other audio materials.
An American, James Maxwell Pringle was in Russia on business for the First National City Bank of New York in 1917 and 1918. His photographs document scenes of the Russian Revolution, and his trip through eastern Russia, China, and Korea to Japan
A digital exhibit of archival documents related to Russian and Soviet diplomacy during the events of 1917. It includes diplomatic correspondence, photographs, and other types of documents.
Open-access digital collections of Harvard Library, containing many digitized books, periodicals, maps, archival documents, photographs, and other types of primary source materials for researching Soviet history in various languages.
This digital library provides access to more than 150,000 documents digitized by La Contemporaine: printed matter and archival material, drawings, paintings, photographs, posters, and objects, allowing you to delve into the sources of 20th-century history.
Online exhibitions of archival documents from the State Archive of Kemerovo Oblast. Topics include nationalities, local intellectuals, scientific and cultural development, etc.
Collection of English translations of Soviet documents and leaders' speeches on the Russian Revolution, the establishment of the Bolshevik power, and Stalinism.
This is a site linking to multiple digitized collections of resources that include Eastern European/Russian materials. Most of these collections are pan-European, and some of them are cited elsewhere in this guide.
Annotated bibliography of a number of digitized sources on the Russian Revolution. It links to a number of sites with documents, charts, posters, and photographs (among other resources) about the revolution.
Page from an educational site about the Russian Revolution. It includes numerous major documents relating to the events of the revolution in English translation.
A VK page devoted to various historical sources. It contains a motley group of sources on various topics in Russian history (each post is on a separate theme) and is mostly made up of the posts of "student-istorik," an account for humor and educational resources created by students of the Moscow…
Electronic archive of Novosibirsk Oblast archive. It contains photographs of aspects of economic and social life in Novosibirsk and a number of maps of the region, as well as a few other documents on the Soviet period.
Digital archive of the State Archive of Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine that provides access to the full-text reference apparatus of the archive and its digitized fonds. Digitized materials are available for viewing online, and non-digitized cases can be ordered to the…
Open-access full-text database of Chinese-language Marxist works, developed by the Marxists Internet Archive. It contains the Chinese translations of Lenin's works and many other Soviet publications. It also has many documents related to Sino-Soviet relations, such as a 21-volume document collection…
The link takes one to the page of the Library of Congress collections for the keyword "Soviet Union" filtered by those materials available online. One can also search this library for other keywords using various filters (on the left) in order to narrow the search.