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Well-designed databases of the United State Archive of Chelyabinsk Oblast, currently including five databases on WWⅡ evacuation, victims of political repressions, dekulakization, Labor Red Army soldiers, and honored citizens of Chelyabinsk Oblast.
Digital version of a 3-volume document collection on dekulakization in Siberia, published by the State Archive of Novosibirsk Oblast.
Diary entries of a deported Kurgan peasant from 1932.
Oral history project of the Museum of Gulag history that recollects memories of the people who were affected by Soviet political repressions. Interviewees include the repressed themselves, their children, former NKVD members, Children of NKVD members, the dekulakized, deportees, and labor armyists.
Digital full-text of a five-volume document collection on Soviet collectivization and dekulakization.
Memorial site devoted to the victims of Soviet political repression. It is primarily devoted to collecting information about victims, but also includes numerous archival documents and photographs of use to historians.
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National Electronic Library of Russia, containing tons of digitized books. maps, musical scores, periodicals, and other types of materials. It can also be used as a unified bibliographic system for identifying and locating published materials in Russia.
A private digital project that provides open access to a huge number of primary sources for researching Russian and Soviet history, including published materials, archival documents (transcriptions), statistics, and photographs.
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