Browse Items (19 total)

Online exhibitions and collections of archival documents from the State Archive of Minsk Oblast.
Online listing of unique archival documents from federal and regional archives of Russia. Each item on the list is a small collection of documents on a certain topic. Currently, the website contains more than 300 items consisting of thousands of pages of digitized archival documents.
Online exhibitions of the Belarusian State Archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation. Most of the exhibitions are dedicated to prominent Soviet Belarusian scientists and architects.
Several thematic online exhibitions of archival documents on the establishment of Belarus statehood, the Great Patriotic War, prominent Belarus individuals, as well as pre-revolution historical events.
Several digital document collections provided by the Central State Archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation of Kazakhstan on Kazakhstan's national scientists and scientific and technological development during the Soviet times.
Site dedicated to the Moscow metro and containing resources about its construction and history. It includes contemporaneous newspaper articles and personal accounts by various people (architects, engineers, builders) associated with the metro.
Princeton University Library's digitized collections of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian materials. These collections include many rare and unique materials, a selection of which are remotely accessible to interested researchers through the Library’s digital portals. Princeton’s most intensive…
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A huge database of maps and other cartographic materials published in the territory of Estonia in different periods.
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Digital library created by the Central Scientific Library of V. Karazin Kharkiv National University. It contains digital copies of rare books, manuscripts, and periodicals related to science and education. In particular, it has a big collection of Kharkiv publications.
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Digital books collection of the National Library of Latvia, providing open access to plentiful digitized Soviet Latvian books on various topics.
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Digital library that provides open access to thousands of Soviet academic publications related to science and technology.
TEHNE is a digital portal for Russian architects and designers supported by the Union of Architects of Russia and the Union of Designers of Russia. Its digital library provides open access to a great number of Soviet-era publications on architecture, urban planning, aesthetics, and art in general.
Open-access digital library containing digital copies of a considerable number of books and periodicals on architecture published in the Soviet Union.
Information portal of the National Archives of Estonia, where you can find links to various digital archives, digital libraries, online databases, and digital projects of Estonian archives.
Digitized archival documents from the National Archives of Estonia. Though most documents are from the pre-1940 period, one can still find a lot of Soviet-era documents from this website.
Information portal developed by the National Library of Latvia for searching and accessing digital materials from different sources.
Digital library of the N.A. Nekrasov Library, containing tons of digitized pre- and post-1917 publications that can be viewed online.
A lot of interesting and informative digital projects based on archival documents from seven major archives of Saint-Petersburg, covering plenty of well-known and less-known topics in Russian and Soviet history.
A website on the Venev Uezd in Tula Oblast containing local historical sources, including books and newspapers.
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