A set of digital tools provided by the United State Archive of Orenburg Oblast, including online guides to the archive's collections and finding aids, and a few online databases. The databases include a database on individuals evacuated to the Chkalov Oblast during the Great Patriotic War, a…
A digital project digitizing and presenting hundreds of original archival documents and statistical data related to migration and colonization in the Tomsk region from the late 19th century to the early 20th century.
Thematic collections of the digital library of the National Library of Yakutia, containing a great number of Soviet publications on local culture, ethnic groups, political institution, socio-economic development, etc.
A private digital project that provides open access to a huge number of primary sources for researching Russian and Soviet history, including published materials, archival documents (transcriptions), statistics, and photographs.
Demographic data of the former Soviet states as well as other world countries provided by the Vishnevsky Institute of Demography of the Higher School of Economy. Here you can find different demographic indicators for 15 former Soviet states in different years and detailed Soviet census data.