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A project that collects and presents materials about the experience of Baptist and Pentecostal communities in the USSR.
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Oral history interviews with victims and witnesses of Soviet political repressions.
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A civic project that collects and presents oral history interviews, photographs, archival documents, and other materials related to Soviet political repressions in Belarus.
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Kogu Me Lugu (translates into Collect Our Story, We're Collecting The Story, also Our Entire Story) is an online oral history portal that collects, preserves and shares the family stories of Estonians from around the world in video format. The project focuses on the memories of people who were…
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The Blavatnik Archive is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to preserving and disseminating materials that contribute to the study of 20th-century Jewish and world history, with a special emphasis on World War I, World War II, and Soviet Russia. This digital archive now contains over 113,000 items of…
A few well-organized online exhibitions of documents from Latvian archives, many of which are dedicated to Soviet political repressions in Latvia.
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The database contains lists of persons who were deported from Latvia to distant territories of the USSR by the Soviet regime between 1941 and 1953.
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Document collections published by the State Archives of Latvia, some of which have digital versions freely available via this web page.
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Archival information portal for archives in Leningrad Oblast. You can find useful sources under "Projects" (on homepage), "Thematic Databases" (under the "LOGAV" tab), and "Electronic Exhibitions" sections.
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Several databases on repressed Soviet technical intelligentsia, prominent figures in the Soviet aviation and aerospace industries, and scholars of Samara, based on archival documents from the Russian State Archive in Samara.
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Moldavian historian Igor Casu's page, where he has shared many document collections and original archival documents on KGB activities in the Moldavian SSR, Soviet-Romanian relations, and other subjects.
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"Jewish Heroes" is a project that shares information about Jewish people who struggled against the Soviet regime. The project's Telegram channel shares original archival materials about these Jewish people.
Facebook page of Sergey Prudovskiy, a Russian historian and a former staff member of International Memorial. He is the administrator of a Facebook group "Remembering the GULAG" and often posts images of Soviet archival documents on Soviet political repressions.
A VK (V Kontakte) group that often shares primary source materials (mostly archival documents) on Lenin and Leninism, as well as secondary literature on Soviet political history.
The official YouTube channel of Fond Iofe, which presents oral history interviews on Soviet political repressions.
Digital archive of Foreign Affairs editions from 1922 till today, including many articles related to the Soviet Union.
A civil digital project initiated by the descendants of the victims of Soviet political repressions in Orsha, Belarus. The project has collected documents related to the victims and conducted oral history interviews with the descendants or relatives of the victims. You can find the transcriptions of…
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Well-designed databases of the United State Archive of Chelyabinsk Oblast, currently including five databases on WWⅡ evacuation, victims of political repressions, dekulakization, Labor Red Army soldiers, and honored citizens of Chelyabinsk Oblast.
Several well-designed online databases based on archival documents from Sverdlovsk Oblast, including databases on WWⅡ participants, and a database on the victims of political repressions from the 1920s through the 1930s.
Online exhibitions of archival documents on various topics. The "Nakhodki arkhivistov" section is constantly being updated and has a lot of interesting documents on various themes, such as the Great Terror, local cultural celebrities, local education, etc.
A bunch of interesting online exhibitions and projects on Komi-Permyak's history, people, and culture. Topics including the Great Patriotic War, the Great Terror, urban development, local cultural figures, local education, festivals, etc.
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Open-access archival documents on Stalinist Great Terror.
This encyclopedia provides the most complete picture of the history and culture of Jews in Eastern Europe from the beginnings of their settlement in the region to the present. It provides access to various historical materials related to Soviet Jews.
Digital exhibits from the Museum of Gulag History.
Digital project that lists monuments for the victims of Soviet political repression in the territory of the former Soviet Union.
Digital collection of various materials (books, memoirs, samizdat, fictions) on the Soviet Union from an anti-Soviet perspective.,c_fill,cs_srgb,fl_progressive,q_auto:good,w_1200/MTU3ODc5MDgzMjA4NDg0NTc1/white-sea-baltic-canal.jpg
Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives presents an in-depth look at life in the Gulag through exhibits featuring original documentaries and prisoner voices; an archive filled with documents and images; and teaching and bibliographic resources that encourage further study.
From 1939 to 1953, nearly a million people from the European territories annexed by the USSR were deported to the Gulag. This digital project is a compilation of testimony from former deportees, photographs taken during their lives, private and public archival material, and films, collected by an…
A huge database of victims of Soviet political repressions developed by the International Memorial.
Online database developed by the International Memorial, providing information about the personnel of the Soviet NKVD during 1935 and 1939.
Digital project developed by the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes aimed at documenting political repression against Czechoslovaks in the Soviet Union. Currently, the project website has published testimonies of survivors, specialist and popularising articles, databases, exhibitions…
Digital archive of the State Archive of Ternopil Oblast, consisting of a digital reading room for reading finding aids and digitalized documents, and an online exhibition section.
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