Демоскоп Weekly: Переписи населения Российской Империи, СССР, 15 новых независимых государств (Demoscop Weekly: Censuses of the Russian Empire, the USSR, 15 New Independent States) (Open Access Primary Source)
Демоскоп Weekly: Переписи населения Российской Империи, СССР, 15 новых независимых государств (Demoscop Weekly: Censuses of the Russian Empire, the USSR, 15 New Independent States)
Demographic data of the former Soviet states as well as other world countries provided by the Vishnevsky Institute of Demography of the Higher School of Economy. Here you can find different demographic indicators for 15 former Soviet states in different years and detailed Soviet census data.
Explore the Demoscop Weekly website further for articles and resources about Russian demography. In particular, the "chital'nyi zal" has a number of interesting articles.