Эволюция трудовых отношений в российской промышленности: от дореволюционной индустриализации к советской (The Evolution of Labor Relations in Russian Industry: From Pre-Revolutionary to Soviet Industrialization) (Open Access Primary Source)
Эволюция трудовых отношений в российской промышленности: от дореволюционной индустриализации к советской (The Evolution of Labor Relations in Russian Industry: From Pre-Revolutionary to Soviet Industrialization)
Multifunctional information system designed to provide information resources for research on a wide range of issues of the evolution of labor relations in Russia, including labor legislation, wages, insurance and social security of workers, labor conflicts, etc. Here you can find Soviet-era statistical data, legal documents, and publications on the subject.
Click on "istochniki" to find various types of documents, categorized by type. Click on "bazy dannykh" to access databases about Soviet industrialization.