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A civic project that collects and presents oral history interviews, photographs, archival documents, and other materials related to Soviet political repressions in Belarus.
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Kogu Me Lugu (translates into Collect Our Story, We're Collecting The Story, also Our Entire Story) is an online oral history portal that collects, preserves and shares the family stories of Estonians from around the world in video format. The project focuses on the memories of people who were…
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Project "J-Doc" focuses on state policies of the USSR that affected Jews. It provides free access to various types of sources, including archival documents, periodicals, and oral history interviews.
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The Blavatnik Archive is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to preserving and disseminating materials that contribute to the study of 20th-century Jewish and world history, with a special emphasis on World War I, World War II, and Soviet Russia. This digital archive now contains over 113,000 items of…
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Online database of legal acts of Lithuania, containing the official texts of legislation adopted in Lithuania during its Soviet period. It also contains texts of international laws and international agreements that involved Lithuania.
Online exhibitions and collections of archival documents from the State Archive of Minsk Oblast.
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A digital collection of key legal documents, including constitutional laws, international agreements, criminal laws, and economic laws, in the history of Belarus.
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A database of more than 3,500 officially published legal acts of the BSSR.
Online exhibitions, databases, and listings of documents of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defence of Russia. The resources are mostly dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.
A VK (V Kontakte) group that shares digitized old books printed during the 5th and the 20th centuries.
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A YouTube channel that presents Soviet films, TV programs, and theater productions.
A YouTube channel dedicated to Soviet films. Here one can find hundreds of films of various genres produced in different regions of the USSR. Most films on this channel were produced before the 1950s.
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Russian and Eurasian collections at the Hoover Institution Library and Archives. Though most items in the collections are not available online, users can still access thousands of Soviet posters and western radio broadcast records related to the USSR online.
A civil digital project initiated by the descendants of the victims of Soviet political repressions in Orsha, Belarus. The project has collected documents related to the victims and conducted oral history interviews with the descendants or relatives of the victims. You can find the transcriptions of…
Online exhibitions of the Belarusian State Archive of Scientific-Technical Documentation. Most of the exhibitions are dedicated to prominent Soviet Belarusian scientists and architects.
Digital collections of scientific publications from the second half of the 19th century through the first half of the 20th century from the Republican Scientific-Technical Library of Belarus. The collection is still being worked on, so only a few publications listed there are downloadable.
Online exhibits of documents from the Russian State Archive of Contemporary History as well as several other archives, covering topics such as the Great Patriotic War, Moscow Olympics, and two Soviet leaders - Brezhnev and Andropov.
Digital photo archive of the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents.
Digital project that lists monuments for the victims of Soviet political repression in the territory of the former Soviet Union.
Online database developed by the International Memorial, providing information about the personnel of the Soviet NKVD during 1935 and 1939.
A collection of TV and radio programs in Russia, the former Soviet Union, as well as other world countries from 1950 till today. Data on Russia are the most comprehensive, while data on other countries are inconsistent.
Online exhibitions of the Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art. Most of the exhibitions are dedicated to prominent Soviet Belarusian writers, poets, artists, and other cultural celebrities.
Several online exhibitions of archival documents on the Great Patriotic War and Soviet Belarusian intellectuals.
Several thematic online exhibitions of archival documents on the establishment of Belarus statehood, the Great Patriotic War, prominent Belarus individuals, as well as pre-revolution historical events.
Three downloadable document collections on Soviet-era deportations to Kazakhstan from 1930 to 1945, published by the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More digital publications may be added to this section in the future.
One of a series of document collections on German atrocities against Soviet civilians during the Second World War.
Online downloadable document collection dedicated to the major wars Russia/the USSR took part in in the 20th century.
A 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War commemorative exhibit about the building of the coalition between Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt during the Second World War. It contains photographs, official documents, correspondence, etc. about the formation of this alliance.
A digital project on the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, containing photographs and audio and video recordings.
Digital collection of exhibits of the Museum of Jewish History in Russia.
Online archive of interviews with former Ostarbeiters, prisoners of war, and prisoners of German camps and a publication site for materials related to this topic.
Three online available document collections published by the International Memorial on Soviet-era political repressions and ostarbeiters.
Digitized collection of archival documents about Belarusian villages burned during the Great Patriotic War.
A database of information about Belarusian villages burnt during the years of the Great Patriotic War.
A published collection of archival documents about Nazi German punitive operations on the Belarus-Latvian border zones in 1943.
Princeton University Library's digitized collections of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian materials. These collections include many rare and unique materials, a selection of which are remotely accessible to interested researchers through the Library’s digital portals. Princeton’s most intensive…
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Centropa is a digital project with the goal of preserving Jewish memory in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Baltics, and the former Soviet Union. In the archive of the project you can find numerous transcripted interviews, photographs, and documents about Jewish life in the former Soviet…
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Collection of a number of Russian central and local newspapers of during the First World War and the Russian Civil War
This collection of open access sources provides links to primary historical documents that are transcribed, reproduced in facsimile, or translated. The documents cover a broad range of historical events (political, economic, social, and cultural) in each of the 49 European countries, including 10…
Online database that contains numerous digital copies of Soviet periodical publications.
A database of information about editions of classic Soviet samizdat, 1956-1986. The Database includes approximately 300 titles, representing all known types of samizdat periodical editions from this late Soviet era, including human rights bulletins, poetry anthologies, rock zines, religious and…
Digital archive of memoirs, diaries, and personal correspondence on Soviet political repressions from the fonds of the International Memorial. Most of these documents were not published. You can use thematic, geographical, and institutional indicators to search for relevant materials on this…
Digital archive that provides open access to a large body of Ukrainian historical periodicals. Currently, the project has digitized more than 600 periodical editions in Ukrainian, Polish, German, Romanian, Yiddish, Crimean Tatar, and Russian languages published in various regions in Ukraine and…
Digital archive of English-language primary source documents, essays, books, and personal accounts related to Soviet history. Some of these are original English documents and accounts, some are English translations of Russian-language originals. The website also provides free access to digitized…
This section on the website of the State Public Historical Library of Russia provides links to digital resources on Soviet and Russian periodicals. You can go to the Soviet section and follow the alphabetic indicators to find relevant online resources for the publication you want. The section also…
A huge digital library providing open access to digital copies of Soviet-era Belarusian academic and pedagogical publications, as well as documents and publications of the university.
A private digital collection of extensive imperial Russian and Soviet documents on various topics.
Demographic data of the former Soviet states as well as other world countries provided by the Vishnevsky Institute of Demography of the Higher School of Economy. Here you can find different demographic indicators for 15 former Soviet states in different years and detailed Soviet census data.
A site with a variety of documents and objects relating to Europe and its history and culture. The Russian collections contain a sporadic group of materials on Soviet daily life and culture.
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