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Blinken OSA Library houses a non-circulating reference library of books related to the Cold War, Communism, international human rights, history of broadcasting and the archival profession as well as a collection of more than 7.300 dailies and journals published from the 1950s onwards in 40…
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The Blavatnik Archive is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to preserving and disseminating materials that contribute to the study of 20th-century Jewish and world history, with a special emphasis on World War I, World War II, and Soviet Russia. This digital archive now contains over 113,000 items of…
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The Wende Museum is an art museum and historical archive dedicated to the Cold War. Its online collections consist of artworks, artifacts, documents, films, and historical witness interviews related to the subject.
Online exhibition of photographs taken by 20th-century Russian and Hungarian photographers that present the everyday life and urban landscapes of the two countries and their bilateral relations.
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A site devoted to 1980s resistance movements in Eastern Europe and the events leading up to 1989. It contains official documents, American intelligence files, photographs, posters, and other documents.
Archival collections of the Cold War History Research Center, Budapest contain Hungarian documents on the Soviet bloc, Cuban Missile Crisis, Sino-Soviet relations, Soviet-Afghan War, and other Cold War issues. Documents have been translated into English.
A collection of British documents on the Cold War and postwar British-Soviet relations.
This digital collection presents visual and textual materials relating to the creative practices and material culture of the religious underground within the archives of the secret police in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection features confiscated photographs, surveillance photographs,…
A number of exhibitions on different topics based on abundant archival documents. But the exhibitions are mostly presented in PDF files, which users have to download or view online.
Online downloadable document collection dedicated to the major wars Russia/the USSR took part in in the 20th century.
A digital project on the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, containing photographs and audio and video recordings.
Verbatim transcripts of such historic meetings as the Polish Communist party’s leadership on the day after Solidarity swept the June 1989 elections, Solidarity leader Walesa’s talk in Warsaw with German chancellor Kohl on the day the Berlin Wall was to fall, Soviet leader Gorbachev’s meetings with…
Photograph collection on the Great Patriotic War.
Digital collection of exhibits of the Museum of Jewish History in Russia.
Online archive of interviews with former Ostarbeiters, prisoners of war, and prisoners of German camps and a publication site for materials related to this topic.
Collection of archival documents from different countries on the global Cold War. Documents have been translated into English.
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Centropa is a digital project with the goal of preserving Jewish memory in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Baltics, and the former Soviet Union. In the archive of the project you can find numerous transcripted interviews, photographs, and documents about Jewish life in the former Soviet…
Digital archive of the State Archive of Central State Archives of Public Organizations of Ukraine that provides access to the full-text reference apparatus of the archive and its digitized fonds. Digitized materials are available for viewing online, and non-digitized cases can be ordered to the…
Digital archive of memoirs, diaries, and personal correspondence on Soviet political repressions from the fonds of the International Memorial. Most of these documents were not published. You can use thematic, geographical, and institutional indicators to search for relevant materials on this…
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Integrated digital archive of Hungary's major archives. Here you can find digital copies or digital transcriptions of many Communist-era documents related to Soviet-Hungarian relations.
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