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- Subject is exactly "Gulag"
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The official YouTube channel of Fond Iofe, which presents oral history interviews on Soviet political repressions.

Digital exhibits from the Museum of Gulag History.

Oral history interviews with former Gulag prisoners, their children, former exiles, and dispossessed kulaks
A large informal website with numerous categories of interest. For instance, of interest are the sections "dokumenty" (under "materialy"), "zimnaia voina: propaganda (under "materialy"), "pis'ma" (under "materialy"), "plakaty," "fotografii." The site also has Stalin's collected works, but these may…
Дневник Романа Васильевича Ушакова, 1908 года рождения (The Diary of Roman Vasil'evich Ushakov, born in 1908)
South Urals Association of Amateur Genealogists in the city of Chelyabinsk

Diary entries of a deported Kurgan peasant from 1932.
A memory project conducted among families from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and Perm. In each family extensive interviews were carried out with the oldest relatives, who were able to explain the context of their family archives and relate them to the family history. This represents a unique collection…