Russian Revolution, Russian Civil War and USSR 1917-1991 (Open Access Primary Source)

Russian Revolution, Russian Civil War and USSR 1917-1991
Webpage with resources for the study of Soviet history on the site of the Brigham University Harold B. Lee Library. It contains a list of links to various open access resources with documents, photographs, and audio recordings in both Russian and English.
Source Types:
This online resource is legitimate, but it links to some pages to which the following warning may apply: This online resource has not been found to meet all criteria for legitimacy. It may reproduce copyright-protected content without license or permissions, contain re-typed content that cannot be verified for accuracy or completeness, and/or omit facts of publication or archival attribution. Use of this site is at one’s own risk.
Tips for Users:
This is a collection of various resources on Soviet history. It is mostly intended for undergraduate students, as many of the documents are in English translation. The site is excellently sorted by theme and time period. Note that some of the links may not work.