Исторические источники по истории России ХХ в. на Русском языке в интернете (Historical Sources on the History fo Russia in the XX Century in Russian online) (Open Access Primary Source)

Исторические источники по истории России ХХ в. на Русском языке в интернете (Historical Sources on the History fo Russia in the XX Century in Russian online)
A page with primary documents on 20th century Russia on the site of the History Faculty of M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, including numerous major official documents.
Source Types:
All the links in the "ssylki" section have been assessed separately and, if they have been found useful, have been added to this document separately. Note that while this website itself is legitimate, the following warning may be applicable to some of the materials listed within it: This online resource has not been found to meet all criteria for legitimacy. It may reproduce copyright-protected content without license or permissions, contain re-typed content that cannot be verified for accuracy or completeness, and/or omit facts of publication or archival attribution. Use of this site is at one’s own risk.
Tips for Users:
The biblioteka tab of this site contains several digitized published documentary collections, as well as a small collection of archival documents. The published collections can be searched by author's name or by keyword (thorough the search function).